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Submission guide: PDF document
Template: WORD document
The manuscripts should not exceed 7 standard pages (12 600 characters), including the references, tables, figures, footnotes and appendices. The manuscripts should be written in English or German.
- Title - centered,Bold,ALL CAPS.
- Author - Author’s first and family names, affiliation, country, e-mail. The co-authors should be separated by commas.
- Abstract - in English or German - Font Size 10, Italic, 5 - 6 lines.
- Key words - in English or German - Font Size 10, Italic, 5 – 6 words
- Body - font Times New Roman, 12 pts, line spacing 1.5. New paragraph - Format, Paragraph, Special: First Line, By: 1,25 cm
- Footnotes - should be in 10 pts., single spacing and should be included in the text. They should be indicated by superscript numbers in the text and be kept to a minimum. Footnotes should only be used for additional information and not to give bibliographical information.
- Pages: A4, all margins at 2.5 cm.
- Figures: black and white, integrated within the text, numbered and captioned.
- Tables: numbered and captioned.
- References in the text should follow the usual author-date-page format: (Aarts 2011: 3-4). For multi-authored (three and more authors) works only the first author should be given followed by et al.: (Heine et al.). When referring to more than one work in single parentheses, the authors should be ordered alphabetically.
- The References (font size 10 pts) include all cited authors in alphabetical order of their family names.
- In the References part of the manuscript authors are advised to follow the examples provided below:
Crowley, Terry. An Introduction to Historical Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Co-authored book
Besse, Henri, Robert Galisson. Polémique en didactique. Paris: CLE-International, 1998.
Article in a collection/proceedings
Jakobson, Roman. Closing Statement: Linguistics and Poetics. – In: Style in Language. (Ed. by Thomas A. Sebeok) New York–London: The Technology Press of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1960, 350–377.
Article in a journal or periodical
Bloch, Bernard. A Set of Postulates for Phonemic Analysis. – Language, XXIII, 1948, 3–46.
Electronic resource
Johnson 2013: Johnson, Michael. Historical studies. http://www.philolog.com/publications/94, 2013, 17.04.2014